EPIC 2015
The plot of EPIC 2015 consists of a series of events, fact
and fiction. The series of real events begins at the start of the video, from
1989 with the invention of the world wide web. The real events end in 2004,
from this point on the video passes into the realm of fiction. Starting in
2005, where Microsoft buys Friendster, and the inception of Googlezon.
The hypothetical Googlezon
is very intriguing premise. The term may have caught on by its own, as the
combination of google-like technology and amazon-like technology becomes more
and more apparent in today’s tech industry.
An interesting video that’s very well produced. The “internet
scare” has been a hot topic in the last decade, especially with the rise of SOPA,
CISPA, and now, CISA. Encroaching evidence of NSA violating privacy of
civilians is also contributing to the idea of the “machine” using us. The
feeling of this video is quite a negative one, looking at technology and the
rise of the web as a threat to humanity.
There are some who disagree with the
negative connotation of the web, including myself. I believe the benefits the
world wide web has given us far outweigh the consequences of a more streamlined, connected web.